Donate to Borum Lab

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Your support goes a long way.

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Thank you for exploring our website!

The Borum Lab and its PKT program is run primarily by volunteer effort, and we continuously strive to improve and enhance the services we provide. Please consider making a financial gift to our lab to support our ongoing efforts to improve outcomes for patients with epilepsy and their families.
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Jane Doe helping patients on a new Borum Lab laptop

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Thanks to your support, in 2020 we were able to update equipment in our offices of the Food Science and Human Nutrition building to include enough laptops for the entire team to use. Now Jane Doe and the rest of our clinical staff will be able to help their patients at the same time rather than waiting for another computer to be available. This gift will improve service times for all of our patients at Borum Lab, and we are grateful to our generous donors for helping us provide PKT care to patients.

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