I am a certified Health Education Specialist with the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Health Education at University of Florida in 2021. My personal mottos are “teamwork makes a dream work” and “prevention is better than the cure”. My career is devoted to promoting preventative care and wellness through health education awareness.
I became interested in the PKT program shortly after my daughter suffered a fall-induced seizure. She has had no symptoms since then, but the experience profoundly impacted my family. That experience influenced me to join the PKT team. I was amazed by the PKT families’ testimonies and dedication to preventing seizures by exploring “Food as Medicine”.
These experiences highly motivated me to expand my knowledgebase. I’m dedicated to reinforcing the PKT Program by advocating for patients, promoting continued education, and assisting the PKT team transition and maintain patients and their families PKT lifestyle.
I currently collaborate with PKT families, healthcare professionals and students to plan health education material, including PKT approved recipe ingredients, recipe instructions and templates, initiation, and monitoring record material. I plan to continually support PKT by expanding clinical training material and customizing one-to-one and website doctor-patient communication. It’s my hope these efforts ultimately accelerate “Food as Medicine” into mainstream medical treatment.