HomeBorum LabLab Member Spot Light – Kaitlyn Taylor
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Picture of Kaitlyn Taylor

Kaitlyn Taylor

Borum Lab

Clinical Team

Dietetics Major

Kaitlyn has passed the one-year mark in the Borum Lab!

She has 4 KetoBuddy patients.  She is the Leader of the Data Collection and Analysis Team and a Member of the Borum Lab Leaders Team.

I am a senior dietetics major and I plan to attend a Masters of Science Dietetic Internship (MSDI) to become a clinical dietitian, most likely specializing in pediatrics. I would like to eventually be involved in clinical research making advancements similar to the research we do in the Borum Lab.

My experiences in the Borum Lab are helping me to attain my career goals as I learn more every day about creating and supporting a care plan specialized for our patients. Each of our patients have substantial differences in their diagnoses, lifestyle, recipes, diet prescription, etc. so formulating care that is appropriate, accessible, and sustainable for each patient is a skill I will take with me throughout my life. I have learned a lot working with others and taking the lead on certain projects that have developed my critical thinking and teamwork skills beyond what I thought they could be before I joined the Borum Lab.

I love the effect that I can have on patients and their families as we improve their quality of life by being their KetoBuddy. There is a lot of work we do behind the scenes, including data collections/analysis, recipes, edits to our Foodomics database, etc., to ensure Dr. Borum and the neurologists are able to administer the best version of PKT possible. Seeing the patients at visits and hearing from their families makes all the hard work 100% worth it!

I enjoy attending clinic visits with my patients and hearing about their successes! While the patients do have difficult periods of time where they need extra support and care from us, it’s nice knowing that we are helping them in every way we can. As one of the clinical leaders in the Borum Lab, I really enjoy helping my colleagues to learn more about customizing care to the patient and watching them integrate what I have been able to teach them into their own patients’ care.

If you are considering being a clinical team member in the Borum Lab, be sure this is truly something you’re interested in. Being a lab member is a huge commitment of time and effort, as everything you do supports the administration of PKT and your role is an integral part of their care. If you have a passion for improving the lives of others and are willing to commit to this long-term, you may be a good fit for the Borum Lab!

I have learned an immense amount of skills and knowledge in my time with the Borum Lab that I truly feel will aid me in the entirety of my educational and career path. Being involved in PKT as a KetoBuddy is an amazing experience I’m proud to be a part of!
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